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Launch Your Online Course on Kajabi : A complete Step by Step Guide

May 02, 2024
Launch Your Online Course on Kajabi

In today’s digital age, the demand for online courses is at an all-time high. Whether you’re an expert in cooking, fitness, marketing, beauty, real estate or any other niche, sharing your knowledge through an online course can be a rewarding endeavor.

Imagine turning your experience and knowledge into a passive income source and replacing your full time income by teaching what you know online.

Choosing an online platform to launch your course is the most important part of your launch.

You: Why TechyGrrrl?

Me (aka TechyGrrrl): You need to invest in a platform that

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Scalable as your business scales
  • Lesser third party integrations
  • 24×7 customer support
  • Affordable

With platforms like Kajabi, launching your online course has never been easier. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of launching your online course on Kajabi, from planning to execution.

Step 1: Define Your Course Idea and Audience

Before diving into the technical aspects of building your course, it’s crucial to define your course idea and target audience. Ask yourself:

– What problem does your course solve?
– Who is your ideal audience?
– What unique value or expertise do you bring to the table?
– What is the demand for this course in market currently?

Take the time to research your target audience’s pain points, preferences, and learning style. This will help you tailor your course content to meet their needs effectively.

Step 2: Plan Your Course Content

Once you have a clear understanding of your course idea and target audience, it’s time to plan your course content. Break down your course into modules, lessons, and topics, ensuring a logical flow of information. Consider incorporating a variety of content formats, such as video tutorials, written guides, quizzes, and downloadable resources, to keep your students engaged.

Step 3: Plan Your Course Content

Once you have a clear understanding of your course idea and target audience, it’s time to plan your course content. Break down your course into modules, lessons, and topics, ensuring a logical flow of information. Consider incorporating a variety of content formats, such as video tutorials, written guides, quizzes, and downloadable resources, to keep your students engaged.

Step 4: Create Compelling Course Material

With your course content planned out, it’s time to create your course material. Leverage your expertise and creativity to develop high-quality content that delivers value to your students. Whether you’re filming video lessons, writing course transcripts, or designing worksheets, strive for clarity, relevance, and professionalism in your content.

Note: I would suggest preselling your course first and then build to validate your course idea.

Or first launch your course via Live workshop or Live classes and convert it into evergreen if these are successful.

Step 5: Set Up Your Course on Kajabi

Now that your course material is ready, it’s time to bring it to life on Kajabi. Follow these steps to set up your course:

  1. Sign up for a Kajabi account and choose a pricing plan that suits your needs. (Note:- If you signup using my link here you will 30 days of free trial + 1 hour free tech support for 1 year + 1 hour launch strategy call)
  2. Navigate to the “Products” tab and click “New Product” to create your course.
  3. Enter relevant details such as course name, description, pricing, and enrollment options.
  4. Upload your course content, including videos, PDFs, and other resources.
  5. Customize your course website using Kajabi‘s intuitive design tools to reflect your brand identity.
  6. Create an offer, set the price and customize it.
  7. Link the product “course” you have created in the offer.
  8. Create a sales page where you add all the important details about the course, so that people can understand if they need this course or not.

Step 6: Build Anticipation with Pre-launch Marketing

Before officially launching your course, build anticipation and generate buzz with pre-launch marketing efforts. Here’s a sample launch plan with suggested activities for each day/week leading up to your course launch:

Days/Weeks Before Launch Activities
4-6 Weeks Prior 1. Tease your course on social media platforms
2. Create a landing page to capture leads and offer a freebie related to your course
3. Start a countdown timer on your website to create a sense of urgency
2-3 Weeks Prior 1. Send out email newsletters to your subscriber list with sneak peeks of course content
2. Offer early bird discounts or bonuses for pre-launch sign-ups
3. Collaborate with influencers or affiliates to expand your reach
1 Week Prior 1. Host a live webinar or Q&A session to engage with potential students
2. Share testimonials or success stories from beta testers or previous clients
3. Finalize any last-minute tweaks or adjustments to your course content
Launch Day 1. Announce the official launch of your course on all marketing channels
 2. Send out personalized emails to your subscribers with a special launch offer
3. Monitor and respond to inquiries or feedback from prospective students
Post-launch 1. Continue promoting your course through social media, email marketing, and other channels
2. Collect and analyze feedback from students to improve future iterations of your course
3. Consider offering limited-time promotions or discounts to those who didn’t signup and but joined the waitlist or webinar

Launching an online course on Kajabi can be a rewarding experience, provided you approach it with careful planning and execution. By defining your course idea, creating compelling content, and leveraging effective marketing strategies, you can successfully launch your course and share your expertise with the world. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and watch as your online course transforms from an idea into a thriving digital business.

What You’ll Love About Kajabi

  • How flexible and customizable every single element is!
  • Having ONE system to run your entire business including your main
    website, email marketing, sales pages and checkout, online products, payments and so much more!
  • Eliminating all your tech issues and headache plus the time you’ll save
    with setup and management!
  • How much advanced functionality is already baked right in – plus how
  • Kajabi releases new functionality every 6 weeks!
  • How you can save so much money with an all-in-one solution!
  • Kajabi‘s world-class customer email and chat support!
  • Being able to remove Kajabi branding when and wherever you want!
  • Easy to use out of the box once you understand the framework – you
    don’t need to buy a course to figure it out!
  • And so much more! I can’t list it all here!

What You Might Not Love

  • If you are just getting started, the price can feel like a big leap. I recommend doing some one-on-one consulting or services to help you pay for the first 6 months of Kajabi. Then you can focus on building your list and creating your first mini course.
  • Not easy to migrate an existing blog to Kajabi. You can’t upload an XML file from your existing blog platform. Instead you’ll have to copy and paste each one over one by one. This would be a project you should hire out to a freelancer on Fiverr or Upwork or give it to us.
  • Limited products. But personally, I think you shouldn’t build new products until you have a single product selling well on autopilot.

And, as a special gesture, I’m excited to offer you an extended 30-day trial of Kajabi by signing up through my affiliate link: 30 days free trial. Plus, as a token of appreciation, you’ll receive exclusive access to my

  1. Kajabi Lead magnet Toolkit course – a guide to build your lead magnet funnel in Kajabi
  2. Exclusive WhatsApp group Community to answer your questions/issues for FREE (lifetime)
  3. 45 min 1:1 launch strategy session via Zoom to TechyGrrrl


Kajabi Course Launch Kickstarter Guide

Everything you need to know to launch your first course on Kajabi (With 6 weeks launch plan checklist inside)

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