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How To Set Up Automated Reminders For The Failed/Canceled Subscriptions in Kajabi?

May 02, 2024
Automated reminders for failed/canceled subscriptions in Kajabi?

Keeping track of failed and canceled subscriptions in your online business platform is crucial to ensuring the continued growth and success of your business. When a subscription fails or is canceled, it can be easy to miss and lose touch with that customer.

By setting up automated reminders for these failed and canceled subscriptions, you can stay on top of these situations and potentially win back lost customers.

In this blog post, we will walk through the process of setting up automated reminders for failed and canceled subscriptions in Kajabi, an all-in-one platform for online business owners.

Let’s see how you can set up automated reminders for the failed/canceled subscriptions in Kajabi.

Set Up Automated Reminders For Failed/Canceled Subscriptions In Kajabi

Step #1: Select Offer To Add Reminders On

Go to the Sales option from your Kajabi dashboard, and select the offer on which you want reminders.

Step #2: Adding Automation To Offer

Once you have selected the offer, scroll down to the Automation section of that offer and then just click on “Add Automation”

Step #3: Select When & Then Form Popup

Now you will see a pop-up, on which you will need to select the specific “WHEN” & “THEN” conditions.

Once you click on “WHEN” you have select “Offer subscription payment failed” or “Offer subscription payment canceled

Now click on “THEN” dropdown, and from here you can add what action you want to perform, you can add an action like “Subscribe to an email sequence” or “Send an email”, or even you can add a tag like “failed_offername”.

Once this is done, then you will just need to write emails for users whose payment is failed or been canceled. If you want to send them an email sequence remember to create an email sequence for them before adding automation so that you can select Email Sequence while adding automation.

This is how you can set up automated reminders for the failed/canceled subscriptions in Kajabi. It’s important to test the reminders to ensure that they are working correctly and that the email is being sent to the intended recipients. With these steps in mind, you can use Kajabi’s automation feature to improve your business and keep your customer engagement high.

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