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Add Custom Font In Kajabi

May 02, 2024
Add Custom Font In Kajabi

Do you use Kajabi? Of course, you did that’s why you’re here! Kajabi is the best platform if you want all your marketing solutions in one place. There are some plans specified in Kajabi & that have some additional functions according to that.
Some plans are too costly that we can afford when we are just starting out with our business, but what if we need specific functionality which is not there in your current plan?

I am here to solve one of these high plan features with your low plan kajabi subscription. So it is about uploading and using the custom font in kajabi with your basic plan only. It’s easy to add Google Fonts using CSS only but what if you want to add any premium font?

It is very easy to do and doesn’t need any technical knowledge to do this. Just follow all the below steps and you will achieve it. So, let’s start with it.

Step 1: Firstly open a page in customization mode where you want to add your custom font and add one CTA module at the end.

Step 2: Then once the CTA module is added, go to that module & click on the edit button option.

Step 3: Now on the left side button settings have opened, just go there, and from the “Button Action” dropdown select the “Download a File” option.

Step 4: After selecting “Download a File”, below that you will see “Pick File” button as shows in the screenshot. Just click on that button and select the font file which you want to add.

Save the page after uploading the font file & open the preview mode of the same page where we have added the CTA module before.

Step 5: In preview mode go to the CTA module & right click on the mouse button & click on “Copy Link Address”, now you have successfully copied the link of your uploaded font.

Step 6: Now again to back to the customization mode of the page and click on the settings of the page as shown in the screenshot.

Step 7: We now need to add some CSS to use the uploaded font on the front end. So, on the settings tab click on “Custom Code” as shown below.

Now we need to add CSS code to the CSS block in the Custom Code section which is the first box there. Just copy the below code & paste it into your CSS code.

@font-face {
font-family: "Name of font you have oploaded";
font-display: auto;
font-fallback: ;
font-weight: 500;
src: url(paste the link we have copied in STEP 5) format('TrueType');
Done! you have successfully added the custom font in Kajabi. Now you just have to use the CSS line “font-family: ‘Font Name’;” wherever you want to add the font.

I hope you have understood all these easy steps I have shown here & now you can easily add the custom font to your Kajabi website without having any upgraded plan.

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