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Drive Sales Urgency through Displaying Limited Quantities in Kajabi!

kajabi tips Jul 19, 2024
set offer quantity or purchase limit in Kajabi

Kajabi has rolled out the option to display a numeric threshold at checkout when offering a limited quantity of offers.

This means that you can drive sales urgency by displaying the remaining item count at checkout:

By displaying a limited amount of offers available for purchase, a potential customer can be turned into a purchasing customer with much more urgency.

Turn a "maybe next week" into an "Only 5 left? I better purchase it immediately!"

Step 1: Go to offers and click the one you want to add urgency for a limited quantity.

Step 2:
Go to “Pricing” tab and scroll down to the bottom till you see “Offer Availability”.
And then set up the no. of quantity, landing page for “limit is reached”, “set threshold” means when it should start showing up a few seats or quantity is left.


If total no. of Mastermind seats are 10 then

“Threshold can be at “5”

to tell people that only 5 seats left , act faster.

Step 3: Click the “Save” button at the top right corner to save the changes and preview it.
This is what it looks like.

Slide 4: If you need an expert to help you get all the tech things done for your business then continue reading this.

You can sign up for “Monthly Tech Support Services” starting from 5 hours/mo to 20 hours/mo.

I am specialized in following platforms:


All you need to do is book a free consultation call with me so that we can discuss your requirements and come up with a plan.



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Everything you need to know to launch your first course on Kajabi (With 6 weeks launch plan checklist inside)

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